Thursday, January 24, 2008

Newlyweds Forego Wedding Gifts, Request Donations for Darfur....

When we think of wedding gifts, we think crystal, china, and whatever else the young couple has put on their registry. But one young couple in Savannah decided to go outside the box and use their wedding gifts as an opportunity to help a cause very dear to their hearts.

Jacob and Miriam Hodesh were wed on November 3rd, 2007, and decided that, in lieu of a ‘traditional” wedding gift, they would rather raise money for the troubled region of Darfur, Sudan. "I think if we all felt like we are connected as brothers and sisters around the world then we can step out of the box and help people in a different part of the world,” said Miriam.
"We would like to try and spark some interest in Savannah (about Darfur) and maybe someday take a trip to Africa. That would be beautiful,” Jacob said.

"It was a great, great day,” said Jacob. Not only because this was his wedding day and he had a beautiful bride Miriam, but together this young couple raised $10,000 with the help of their friends and family for their favorite charity.

To make this great day even better, an anonymous donor said he would match whatever they raised--putting them at more than $20,000!
Completely shocked, the couple said it made them realize how much two people can accomplish. “Charitable work is part of what attracted us to each other in the first place,” Miriam said. “I think we were both instilled at a young age that you can have a job but you should also be able to take some time aside and really help."

Their incredible accomplishment did not go without recognition. Sudan activist, Nick Clooney (George Clooney's father), sent a card saying how important people like them are to this cause.

Long live the couple....

They are already blessed from the Heaven......