Saturday, February 23, 2008

Reality Pictures.....

pictures of Darfur crisis... some pictures are upsetting and disturbing... but those are real......Reality on the picture for enlarged view.......

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Really Motivating !!!

Life sometimes Motive us... Sometimes Criticize us... To Accomplish a work, lots of hurdles has to be faced... People generally won't join hands to accomplish a work... but when it comes to destruction ??!! ... ya thts life...

"First help the ppl near by & then think about Sudan,Eden, etc..." a very respectable comment.. and FYI from my school days i started donating things (including mentioned woolen clothes) to few orphanage centres. Me along with my frds bought books for orphanage centres (nearest as mentioned). And i don't want to blow my trump here as this is not a marketing blog to advertise. Anyway these comments motivate me a lot to do more, as of now i am considering that i had done nothing to the society... Thanks for the READER...

FYI this blog is not a FIGHT CLUB to argue with one another... This is just a social awareness blog (and its community) to make people help the needed... (NOT ONLY DARFUR)... If u have helping heart, then start it... :)

V welcome the comments and sorry if this blog wastes the time... And Thanx for making us realize the importance of our mission and work...

Beautiful Comments.........

"Dear Mr.Chandra Kumar Sundaran,
What your friend has suggested you is exactly correct :) ..."don't be too emotional...sleep.."

Because your emotions are of no use...You said you were watching the whole scene for abt 20 mins !!! No no...More than 20 mins...rite!!!...Also, the old man totally blinded was searching for his coconut shell for more than 15 mins ...So totally 35 no..more than 35 mins :) ... What you learnt from this !!! ... learnt to watch patiently, how others are experiencing the poverty...

Whats the use...In this case, your friend is far better than you...because he is not at all watching these kinda scenes...

Confused !!!... If I were in your place, practically, I would have waited only a few secs( waiting is to understand the situation & not for thinking whether to help the old man or not :) ) & then I would have offered the old man the juice he wanted...
We may not be in a position to give shelter to that old man...We may not be an earning person...Doesn't matter...But I'm sure, we would be having some money in hand all the time...

I have only one doubt...The god gifted you a heart to work as a watchman for seeing these kinda scenes...Applause... But , Why didn't he give you the heart to help when you see the less- fortunate ppl ...
Here, I don't want to list all the things i have done so far & instead of writing here, I prefer doing something usefully...

What you are gonna loose by offering that man the juice he wanted...You don't need to give him shelter...Huh!!! You don't have the heart to offer him the 5 r.s juice he wanted...Then how'll you offer him the shelter even if you are rich (or if you become :) )...

"Don't be too emotional...sleep..."
Hope you will :) ...

& Hope you have the guts to let this comment remain in your prepared to face the criticisms when coming to public..."

Really thanks for commenting, you actually prompted us to write more..... we owe you a lot.. u know what .. when my friend said "sleep".. i didn't sleep the whole night.... the guilty feeling of not helping the man haunted me...... i really don't want to post what all i did Next...
and this blog will be a platform to share thoughts about Darfur and the humanity which is crushed in the name of POLITICS .....

And next.. Many of my friends don't know about this place called Darfur....hence we have won partially in making people know about Darfur.......

for some time this blog was inactive....... from now on ... we will write more.. will write for a Cause.......

"sometimes your work feels small and insignificant.But remember a small ripple can gain momentum and build a current that is insurmountable. Begin with one small step.Don't let other's stand in your own way. walk your own path.some may what ,Many will follow.Don't ever give up".

Thanks Again dude... we need more comments from you in the future......... :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Newlyweds Forego Wedding Gifts, Request Donations for Darfur....

When we think of wedding gifts, we think crystal, china, and whatever else the young couple has put on their registry. But one young couple in Savannah decided to go outside the box and use their wedding gifts as an opportunity to help a cause very dear to their hearts.

Jacob and Miriam Hodesh were wed on November 3rd, 2007, and decided that, in lieu of a ‘traditional” wedding gift, they would rather raise money for the troubled region of Darfur, Sudan. "I think if we all felt like we are connected as brothers and sisters around the world then we can step out of the box and help people in a different part of the world,” said Miriam.
"We would like to try and spark some interest in Savannah (about Darfur) and maybe someday take a trip to Africa. That would be beautiful,” Jacob said.

"It was a great, great day,” said Jacob. Not only because this was his wedding day and he had a beautiful bride Miriam, but together this young couple raised $10,000 with the help of their friends and family for their favorite charity.

To make this great day even better, an anonymous donor said he would match whatever they raised--putting them at more than $20,000!
Completely shocked, the couple said it made them realize how much two people can accomplish. “Charitable work is part of what attracted us to each other in the first place,” Miriam said. “I think we were both instilled at a young age that you can have a job but you should also be able to take some time aside and really help."

Their incredible accomplishment did not go without recognition. Sudan activist, Nick Clooney (George Clooney's father), sent a card saying how important people like them are to this cause.

Long live the couple....

They are already blessed from the Heaven......