Saturday, February 16, 2008

Really Motivating !!!

Life sometimes Motive us... Sometimes Criticize us... To Accomplish a work, lots of hurdles has to be faced... People generally won't join hands to accomplish a work... but when it comes to destruction ??!! ... ya thts life...

"First help the ppl near by & then think about Sudan,Eden, etc..." a very respectable comment.. and FYI from my school days i started donating things (including mentioned woolen clothes) to few orphanage centres. Me along with my frds bought books for orphanage centres (nearest as mentioned). And i don't want to blow my trump here as this is not a marketing blog to advertise. Anyway these comments motivate me a lot to do more, as of now i am considering that i had done nothing to the society... Thanks for the READER...

FYI this blog is not a FIGHT CLUB to argue with one another... This is just a social awareness blog (and its community) to make people help the needed... (NOT ONLY DARFUR)... If u have helping heart, then start it... :)

V welcome the comments and sorry if this blog wastes the time... And Thanx for making us realize the importance of our mission and work...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Life sometimes Motive us... Sometimes Criticize us... To Accomplish a work, lots of hurdles has to be faced... People generally won't join hands to accomplish a work... but when it comes to destruction ??!! ... ya thts life..."

- I told you to help the ppl near by...You call that a hurdle

"If u have helping heart, ..."

No, I don't have a heart at all :(...So, I can't help anyone :( ...

I'm veryyyyyy weak to fight :(....& I Agree to all your statements in this blog...
