Ya everything budding at a faster rate... EXCEPT COMPASSION... Am i erroneous ??
in the name of technology... we are marginalizing a section of the society......
"poor get poorer, the Rich get richer" this is a result of Liberalization and Globalisation policies

World at other side.... people Dying in starvation.... growing Orphanage centres..... People below poverty line.... Agro-based people..... who spend time watching the dark clouds betraying them again and again..... most of them commit suicide ..... Expecting for long awaited food...
Frdz... Did u felt the pain of hunger in life??? and that too for days and days??... V eat nicely everytime, whenever v feel like... V don't care of others.. and still v say this is a "fast world"... So if the world is fast, then do v need to give up ur compassion??? I don't think so...
Am i giving global gyan to all??? Even if u think so, tht doesn't matter frds... but atleast do something for needed ones... even for atleast one person...