Thursday, November 29, 2007

Insane World....!!

About 200 die each day.. With Over 400,000 dead and a place called Darfur....northern part of Sudan.....the people are suffering from a horrible Genocide attack .... By the Sudanese Government's own militia group-the Jangweed...
people are killed in masses.... women and girls are raped and murdered..... people are made to flee away from there homes.....because of the insane torture of the militant group.....
people die of diseases, starvation for days......they are made to saty in a makeshift camp... provided by UNESCO.... the life in camp is too horrible..... virtually its an open space.. punished by scorching sun.... and disturbing sandstorms... which makes living more uncomfortable.... i saw a video on Darfur in Youtube.... and many of the scenes were disturbing.... small children die of Starvation........Food supplies are reaching from UNESCO... but still nothing works out. as the food being supplied is virtually not enough...... very less news media get access to the place... and the most horrible thing is many of the news media are coming out of the place due to poor living conditions... and due to some political threat from the Sudanese Govt....

I downloaded a 25 mins video on Darfur titled "Children of Darfur".... from ... its a documentry film by UNESCO....the video is about a girl named Sumaya... now living in a makeshift refugee camp... she lives with her four other siblings in the camp.... all of them including her are sick with high fever... there is only one medical centre for the whole camp... too long queues in the medical centre...... she struggles hard to save her two siblings......she narrates about how she escaped from the militant group... and how her cousin got killed... shot from the back.... she sheds tears while narrating........
crying voices of people and children........dead bodies around....


Visit this site

and check out the videos on the right side bar... to know more about Darfur.....

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